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Annette McGinley
< 1min read
By Simon Mellodew
May 27, 2020
Annette has spent many years working in software development, predominately in the media and insurance industries. While working for Saatchi & Saatchi’s media subsidiary in the mid 90’s, Annette was primarily responsible for the design and development of the first UK direct response analysis optimisation system.
Annette was one of the founding members of Amlin Credit, a Lloyd’s based trade credit insurance provider and was heavily involved in the development of their online trade credit system – During her stay at Amlin, Annette was also involved in the development of a number of marine insurance systems and participated extensively in the development of the marine hull insurance product Marinsure, the B2C craft insurance product Boatinsure and the marine war insurance product Marinsure War.
Although Annette has been known to visit the golf driving range, she breaks the Aronova trend by not playing golf. Annette considers shoe shopping in a foreign country the ultimate getaway.
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